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 Two ways to view demos

(1.5 mins)
attendance One-click daily check in-out
Family Data
(2 mins)
all family data records accessed from one page
(1 min)
stay connected with parents - automatically emails parents with weather forecasts for the week
Calendar + Dashboard
(1.5 mins)
full calendaring, easily define upcoming events, reminders posted on Dashboard - view operations at-a-glance!
(2.5 mins)
shows accounting features like accounts receivables, Auto-Invoices™ and much more...
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“I like the FAQ and Wiki modules, helps me answer questions about using the software, and I don’t have to wait on those long support phone lines."

Always Connected to Parents

The option to "create custom message" from the Connections module is reliable and essentially hassle-free is a godsend. With the automated weather forecast emails, parents feel even more connected with us - without lifting a finger - thank you Alpha Cares!